Automating and accelerating lifecycle activities for delivery in days, not weeks
Bureaus & Offices: U.S. Department of Homeland Security: Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

Within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Services Administration (TSA), the Customer Engagement and Development Division (CEDD) delivers all aspects of custom application development, maintenance, and support for the Office of Information Technology (OIT). TSA required an experienced partner to effectively manage and maintain CI/CD (continuous integration and continuous delivery/deployment) tools to streamline and accelerate the delivery of new and enhanced custom application capabilities within TSA.

Tsymmetry implemented a robust application lifecycle management process to increase velocity across all aspects of development, from project inception to deployment. Our team delivered a full spectrum of application lifecycle management (ALM) services such as application development and testing, program management, testing automation and support, data analysis and reporting, and quality control.
With a suite of application development and testing tools including HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Unified Functional Testing (UFT), Tsymmetry successfully automated 80 percent of the testing function, reducing integration test cycles from as much as five weeks to five days. In addition to implementing the application development and testing suite, our team also trains and supports application teams to use the tools effectively.
"Tsymmetry successfully developed and implemented the HP QC/ALM Automated Test Application [that formerly required] an individual working 40 hours per week for five weeks. With automation, this testing can be completed in one day."
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